Wednesday, February 24, 2010

City Strolling

There is NO perfect stroller for city living.  Very frustrating.  Some are great for walking city streets but they are horrible to get on the subway.  Some are light and easily portable but they are not the smoothest ride or the most comfortable for the baby. And most are over priced.
So I was a little disappointed with my options.
But as of now- The City Mini Single is my winner.  I think this is it- Baby girl's future ride.

And in my dreams I push this beauty...


Hutchinson's said...

Very cute! I miss you! Just wanted to check in and tell you that I love you! Come back to Utah! Love ya!

laurel said...

I love that bottom one. Can you imagine carrying that up and down the subway stairs??

Nick and Lexie said...

I use my sling and baby pack way more than I have ever used my stroller for errands.
I wonder if that's what you'll do, particularly when you have to ride the subway. That's what I see celebrities in New York doing :)

The Nixon Family said...

yeah, def don't get the stroller i used with els in nyc. and of course you'll need the plastic wrap to go over the babe for bad weather.

McKell and John said...

Everyone one in Denmark, Sweden and Finland had those prams. It was like watching an old movie. So cute!