Friday, March 18, 2011


Nothing makes me happier than 72 degrees in NYC.
It is heavenly.
And a cute baby in a cute spring dress makes it almost perfect...
Except that both of our spring outfits are already dirty thanks to miss thang.
She makes a mess everywhere we go. Seriously. A big mess.
Craig still hasn't quit his job and unfortunately his current employer hasn't been reading my blog...
Hoping that finally happens on Monday. Well, I was really hoping for today so he wouldn't have to work all weekend, but I found out that probably isn't going to happen.... (I was actually ready for this to happen LAST Monday.)
It is amazing what a nice breeze and some sunshine can do for a bad attitude.
We are going apartment hunting this evening and I am hoping Craig will fall in love with something so I don't have to beg him to spend more money so my child stops standing in her crib and yelling at me at 2 AM. (he doesn't quite get the problem- because he gets home at 3 AM)
I was really sick yesterday- 24 hour flu thing.  My poor child was very neglected.  Trying to make up for it today... Do you think she will appreciate the Gap sale and the apartment hunting as much as I will?  She definitely enjoyed our pigeon and dog walker watching this morning.  She clapped and waved and yelled at people. She is too funny. I just cannot wait for the nice weather to stick around so we can play outside every day.  She will love it.

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