Wednesday, January 26, 2011

little eloise

My little monster is 7 months old.
She NEVER stops moving.
Rolling, kicking, hopping on hands and knees trying to crawl, flipping over while getting diapers changed, diving for toys in the bath tub, flapping her arms while she eats, sleeping in every single corner of her crib...
She wants nothing more than to be able to crawl and run around and I am very nervous for the day that she can...
and it is nearing too quickly!
She has already discovered computer cords and DVD's... Time to baby proof.
If mommy is playing with her and never doing anything else she is as happy as can be.
If mommy tries to get dressed, or eat, or clean, or use the restroom, or shower... she is not so happy.:)
She LOVES eating. She rocks back and forth and swings her arms, making it difficult to actually get the food in her mouth and each bite comes with sound effects.
She tries to talk "dadadagagadadadadgaga"
and kiss my cheeks (or slobber all over my face)
She gets on her hands and knees and looks through her crib at me and Craig every morning and yells at us until we wake up and look at her... then she laughs. Too funny.
Craig and Eloise have daddy daughter time every morning (while mommy stays in bed)
I think it is everyone's favorite time of the day :)
I have way too much fun spoiling her and playing with her.
The more she grows the more fun she is... and the more difficult.
She makes me laugh multiple times a day. Even on the bad days.
I love and hate that she is becoming a mommy's girl.
I am trying to enjoy it because it saddens me to think of days that she won't like mommy very much...
As if.


Ashlee said...

are you kidding me? cutest photos ever. love that baby

Steoffrey said...

Oh my gosh, that baby. Her outfit! Those eyes! She is seriously too much.

Jenna Robert said...

Woah- I was going to say the same thing that Ashlee jus said, so I will say that again. Are you kidding me?! She is seriously the cutest baby.

Crystal said...

Oh my gosh, I LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Those eyes are unreal.

Kendra and Nathan said...

If there ever was a baby that looked like a doll, she would be that baby. You must get stopped all the time on the east coast because of her. :)

Tawny Antelman said...

shes sooooo cute and her outfit is to die for!!!
:) It was so good to see you and meet little eloise :)

sherrie said...

You have to stop putting up such darling pictures up of her- I'm trying to convince myself Im done having babies and she makes me want to do it again! :)

Crystal said...

I have to comment again. She's not even my kid and I want to frame those pictures and put them on my nightstand.

Ashley said...

She is so stinking cute! I love that hat. I wish we were still neighbors. Our chubby, energetic monsters could wreck havoc together.